Monday, January 21, 2013

Attack of the Killer Podcast 016: Remakes Part 2

Just when you thought the Attackers got everything off their chests about remakes. They are back with part two of this hot topic. This time it’s personal!


Attack of the Killer Podcast 015: Remakes Part 1

Religion. Politics. Who would win in a fight, Jason or Micheal Myers? These are the topics that divide humanity. But there is one current topic that divides the horror community, remakes. This episode, AotKP digs deep on the topic, discussing good remakes and bad remakes.


Attack of the Killer Podcast 014: Christmas

Christmas is a time of yule logs, evening carols, killing people with stripper poles, and buffalo reindeer. Wait. What? The holidays are many things to many people, but to horror fans, snow on the ground and an abundance of shopping flyers can mean only one thing: CHRISTMAS HORROR FILMS.
In this episode of Attack of the Killer Podcast, we explore the world of Christmas-themed genre pictures, from our loves to our hates, and everything in between. From the brutal to the classy, the horrid to the sublime, AOTKP is here to serve you a steaming cup of bloody fucking nog.


Attack of the Killer Podcast 013: Winter/Cold

This is the most chilling episode of Attack of the Killer Podcast yet, as the attackers discuss winter. The films talked about this time around will get you ready for those cold winter months. Blood on the snow, the frantic cold breath of the next victim, these movies will bring winter right into your living room. Bring a snow shovel.

Attack of the Killer Podcast 012: Killer Dolls

Tis the season to spend all of your money on Christmas presents. But what do you buy that little rugrat that has everything? Attack of the Killer Podcast will give gift giving advice as to what dolls NOT to buy this holiday season, because it might be possessed by a serial killer. This episode, we have two very special guest stars help us talk about various movies featuring killer dolls.


Attack of the Killer Podcast 011: Halloween 6-RZH2 with Daniel Farrands

On the eve of Halloween, anything can happen and it does to the gang at Attack of the Killer Podcast as they cover part two of there full retrospect of the Halloween films. Anything goes and it does as the Attackers end up recording at a Perkins until 4 in the morning, a very special guest, writer of Halloween 6 Daniel Farrands calls on the phone, and the weirdest of all, there was actually something Flyboy liked about Halloween H2O.
