Thursday, August 8, 2013

Attack of the Killer Podcast 031: George A. Romero Part 1

One NIGHT, it DAWNed on the CRAZIES in the AOTKP crew that we had to stop everything and give someone very important to us his DAY. Few are more deserving of an entire episode dedicated solely to them, and fewer get TWO EVIL episodes. So, we present to you, the first DARK HALF of our loving, exhaustive, tribute to George A. Romero!

You can follow the show here: Facebook | Twitter | iTunes

Insane Mike Saunders: Facebook | Twitter | Website
Jason Bolinger: Facebook | Twitter | Website
Justin Beahm: Facebook | Twitter | Website
Dustin Neill: Facebook | Twitter | Website
Joe Zerull: Facebook | Website



  1. You guys have convinced me to give Knightriders another chance. I watched it two years or so ago during October and I guess I just wasn't feeling the non-horror vibe. I forget how many great films Romero has done. great show guys!

  2. THANK YOU for these! I'me almost through part 1. Martin is my favorite. I'll even go out on a limb beyond my personal preferences and make the bold statement that I think it's his best film. I saw the Dead films in order, and for me it goes Night, Day, Dawn, and Land in distant last place in terms of favorites; not that I don't like it. Saw Season of the Witch like twenty years ago and haven't seen it since, but I thought it was just sort of okay. I'll probably pick up the DVD though now that I know it contains There's Always Vanilla. Honestly, I didn't think he ever finished it.
